School Code : 61157
Affilation No.: 2132866
  • 01
    Ensures Physical, Mental and spiritual growth of the students and create in them a zest for learning.
  • 02
    Aims at quality education and pursuit of excellence in the fields and in all walks of life.
  • 03
    Assists to enhance health and develop co-curricular relational activities and habits as well as correct reading habits for pleasure and joy
  • 04
    Judiciously arouse aesthetic sense and inculcate habits of personal as well as social hygiene for a happy and healthy life.
  • 05
    Enlarge mental horizons and broaden the outlook of the students through training in co-operation, consideration, team spirit and service.
  • 06
    Youthful energies to be properly channelized towards creativity and self actualization.